Jan 2, 2022

Urban Planning

        MASS HOUSING PROJECT - CITY PLANNING, NASHIK (for all income groups)
Location    : Nashik, Maharashtra
Area         : 60485 Sq mt. 
        Requirement : HIG: 40units, MIG1: 64units, MIG2: 24units, LIG: 160units, EWS: 192units


The site is located in the outskirts of Nashik urban area, about 10.0km SW from the city centre. As observed from the development trend in Nashik, the core has expanded along major roads towards Mumbai (SW), Pune (S) and Agra (NE) etc. Residential development is prominent along these roads and are concentrated near existing villages.
Urban households is divided in terms of per capita income into Economically Weaker Sections (EWS), Lower-Income Groups (LIG), Middle Income Group (MIG) and Higher Income Group (HIG). 

Providing public spaces which gel between the residential units creating shared spaces per unit.
Placement of all functions in a mirror image concept creating balanced design.

Key words: Mixed typology, Three Node access, Central Commercial zone, Plaza, Balance.


       original site               road grid            cluster assembly           diagonal road         recreation&nodes        zoning HIG to EWS 


(Higher income group housing plans) HIG1&HIG2

(Middle income group housing plans) MIG1&MIG2

(Lower income group housing plan) LIG

(Economically weaker section cluster plans) EWS CLUSTER


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